Friday, June 20, 2014

Bite-Sized Pieces

                                                                           Child Eating Watermelon by Petr Kratochvil

Prepping for the social work licensing exam can be an overwhelming task. However, it is totally do-able. I suggest taking it in bite-sized pieces. Every little step you take will bring you a little bit closer to your final goal of being prepared to ace the exam.

Here’s a bite-sized piece of study material:

  • One of the most popular tips that I come across is to answer the questions on the social work licensing exam “by the book” (see the Social Work Test Prep site--link on sidebar) while considering safety as the primary concern.
  • With that being said, a “by the book” answer would definitely consider the Social Work Code of Ethics from the National Association of Social Workers.
The profession of social work is founded on a set of CORE VALUES. These core values are:
  • service
  • social justice
  • dignity and worth of the person
  • importance of human relationships
  • integrity
  • competence.
These six core values are what help to make social work a unique field. Additionally, while taking these values into consideration, the profession of social work looks at the individual in his or her broader context, such as his family, neighborhood, state, country, culture, and other societal influences.

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